Councillor Expenses

Publication of Councillor Remuneration

In accordance with Section 151 of the Measure the Independent Remuneration Panel requires that:

  1. Relevant authorities must publish a Statement of Payments made to its members (including chairs of JOSCs or sub-committees of JOSCs). This information must be published in a form and location that is easily accessible to members of the public no later than 30 September following the end of the year to which the payments relate and in the same timescale also provided to the Panel. The following information must be provided:

The amount of basic salary, senior salary, civic salary and co-opted member fee paid to each named member/co-opted member of the relevant authority, including where the member had chosen to forego all or part of the salary, or fee for the municipal year in question. Where a senior salary has been paid, the title of the senior office held is to be provided.

The payments made by community and town councils to named members as:

  1. Payments in respect of telephone usage, information technology, consumables etc.
  2. Responsibility payments
  3. Allowances made to a mayor/chair and deputy mayor/deputy chair
  4. Compensation for Financial Loss
  5. Costs incurred in respect of travel and subsistence
  6. Reimbursement of the costs of care (see paragraph f below)

All travel and subsistence expenses, reimbursement of the costs of care and other payments received by each named member and co-opted member of the relevant authority, with each category identified separately.

The amount of any further payments received by any named member nominated to, or appointed by, another relevant authority or other public body as defined by Section 67 of the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013, namely:

  1. a local health board
  2. a police and crime panel
  3. a relevant authority
  4. a body designated as a public body in an order made by the Welsh Ministers.

Names of members who did not receive basic or senior salary because they were suspended for all or part of the annual period to which the Schedule applies.

Darran Valley Community Council


£150.00 payable to

Cllr. E Blanche

Cllr. D Nicholas

Cllr. D Johnson

Cllr. T. Johnson

Cllr. J Gibbings

Cllr. D Roberts

Cllrs. R. Chapman decided not to take the allowance.

in lieu of allowances made to Members.

Chairperson’s Allowance – £300.00 Payable to Cllr. M. Gibbings




£150.00 payable to

Cllr. E Blanche

Cllr. D Nicholas

Cllr. M Gibbings

Cllr. J Gibbings

Cllr. D Roberts

Cllrs. R. Chapman decided not to take the allowance.

in lieu of allowances made to Members.

Chairperson’s Allowance – £300.00 Payable to Cllr. D Johnson.




£150.00 payable to

Cllr. E Blanche

Cllr. D Johnson

Cllr. M Gibbings

Cllr. J Gibbings

Cllrs. R. Chapman, D. Hardacre and B. Edwards decided not to take the allowance.

in lieu of allowances made to Members.

Chairperson’s Allowance – £300.00 Payable to Cllr. D Nicholas.




£150.00 payable to Cllr. D Nicholas and £150.00 to Cllr. D Johnson in lieu of allowances made to Members.

Chairperson’s Allowance – £300.00 Payable to Cllr. P. Roberts in lieu of allowances made to the Chair of Council.  Cllr. P. Roberts donated the money to Fochriw and Deri Primary Schools (£150 per school).




Chairperson’s Allowance – £300.00 Payable to Cllr. D. Nicholas in lieu of allowances made to the Chair of Council.  Cllr. D. Nicholas donated the money to Fochriw and Deri Primary Schools (£150 per school).

£150.00 Payable to Cllr. D Johnson in lieu of allowances made to Members.

