Code of conduct

Council Members must sign a declaration of acceptance of office including an undertaking to observe the code of conduct adopted by their council.  The code of conduct is a legal document that guides councillors, to make sure proper standards of behaviour are maintained.  The essence of the code is that councillors act openly and honourably in the public interest; they never use their position improperly to secure personal advantage or to avoid disadvantage for themselves, or any other persons.  Councillors should never bring themselves, as a member of the council, or the council itself into disrepute.

All Darran Valley Community Councillors are bound by Caerphilly CBC’s Members-Code-of-Conduct

Concerns about a Councillor’s behaviour or queries regarding the complaints process outlined below may be raised with the Council’s Clerk or Caerphilly CBC’s Monitoring Officer in the first instance.

If you want to make a formal complaint that a Councillor may have breached the Code of Conduct, this must be addressed to the:

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae
CF35 5LJ

The Ombudsman’s web site contains explanations on the standards of behaviour expected by the Code and the basis on which the Ombudsman decides whether or not to investigate a complaint.